WAY COOL KEYBOARDING for Beginners ages 4 – 10!
All beginners start with our Way Cool Keyboarding class! This class sets a firm, FUN foundation for your child’s music learning experience.
Class times (please inquire to confirm space availability):
- Monday 4:05pm (4’s and 5’s only)
- Tuesday 6:00pm (4’s and 5’s only)
- Saturday 11:25am (4’s and 5’s only)
- Tuesday 5:05pm (Ages 6-9)
- Tuesday 4:10pm (Ages 6-9)
- Wednesday 3:45pm (Ages 6-9)
- Saturday 1:50pm (Ages 6-9)
- Monday 5:50pm (Ages 6-9)
- Wednesday 4:45pm (Ages 6-9)
- Wednesday 5:40pm (Ages 6-9)
- Friday 4:15 pm (Ages 6-9)
- Friday 5:15pm (Ages 6-9)
- Friday 6:10pm (Ages 6-9)
- Saturday 10:00am (Ages 6-9)
- Saturday 11:00am (Ages 6-9)
- Saturday 1:10pm (Ages 6-9)
Learning to PLAY the PIANO!
SINGING Learn to sing on pitch- so important for all developing musicians!
RHYTHM- Play the Bucket Drums- Rhythm comes alive when we play in a group!
Kids Love Playing in a Piano Band!
Please check out this video of a group class in action:
What do I need to get started?
All you need is a minimum 61 key keyboard to get started!
It’s easy to sign up and all you have to do is click the Registration Button below to be taken to the registration form.