San Jose Music Lessons
Welcome To
Willow Glen Music School
We offer Online Virtual Music Lessons seven days a week.
Visit our Virtual Music Lessons page to get more details.
San Jose Music Lessons
“I never have to ask them to practice…”
...they play for fun and I had to buy a keyboard with earphones so they could both play at the same time because one piano in the house was simply not enough.
I was worried at first about the group lesson and how that would work, since my old fashioned brain is still stuck in the one-to-one private lesson scenario but my kids love it! It is a great outlet for Melissa, now in middle school, who writes her own songs and record it. The group lessons seem to give her a different and broader understanding of music, and how to harmonize and use cords as background while singing.
I made the switch from 12 years of classical piano to syncopation/jazz, and THEN I really enjoyed piano for the first time. I see that joy in Melissa now and I'm so happy that my kids play for the love of music.
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Our Location
1060 Willow St #9, San Jose, CA 95125